Weigh Ins

I have now lost 41 pounds.

My first goal is to lose a total of 80 pounds.

As of today, I am down 41 pounds.

I re-started my weight loss (once again) June 1.

As I mentioned in my previous post – I hit my highest weight – ever- back in March.

So, on June 1, I decided to try, one more time, to shed the pounds.

I am eating a lower-carbohydrate, real-food, diet.  Basically, I eat meat, vegetables, berries, a few nuts, eggs, and drink lots of water.

I am walking between 6 and 12 miles, per day, every day.  I’m also going to the gym – 5 days a week.

I haven’t been this size in several years – and I’ve never been this strong.  I’m feeling healthy – physically and emotionally.

Have a blessed day.